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アメリカ合衆国 (USD $)
  • アイスランド (ISK kr)
  • アイルランド (EUR €)
  • アゼルバイジャン (AZN ₼)
  • アメリカ合衆国 (USD $)
  • アラブ首長国連邦 (AED د.إ)
  • アルジェリア (DZD د.ج)
  • アルゼンチン (USD $)
  • アルバ (AWG ƒ)
  • アルバニア (ALL L)
  • アルメニア (AMD դր.)
  • アンギラ (XCD $)
  • アンゴラ (USD $)
  • アンティグア・バーブーダ (XCD $)
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  • エジプト (EGP ج.م)
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  • エチオピア (ETB Br)
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  • オランダ領カリブ (USD $)
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  • ガンビア (GMD D)
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  • キルギス (KGS som)
  • ギニア (GNF Fr)
  • ギニアビサウ (XOF Fr)
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  • ケニア (KES KSh)
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  • コロンビア (USD $)
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  • サモア (WST T)
  • サントメ・プリンシペ (STD Db)
  • サンマリノ (EUR €)
  • サン・バルテルミー (EUR €)
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  • スウェーデン (SEK kr)
  • スペイン (EUR €)
  • スリナム (USD $)
  • スリランカ (LKR ₨)
  • スロバキア (EUR €)
  • スロベニア (EUR €)
  • セネガル (XOF Fr)
  • セルビア (RSD РСД)
  • セントクリストファー・ネーヴィス (XCD $)
  • セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 (XCD $)
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  • ドミニカ共和国 (DOP $)
  • ドミニカ国 (XCD $)
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  • ニカラグア (NIO C$)
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  • 仏領ギアナ (EUR €)
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  • français


Founder image

Our Green Initiative

At Nana Jacqueline, we love the earth and make a conscious effort to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of our business. 

We pour our heart and soul into our small-batch collections because it’s important for us to be as eco-friendly as possible. By sourcing only the finest and most sustainable fabrics, we ensure the luxury quality of our pieces while remaining environmentally responsible. We are constantly improving our manufacturing process to implement sustainable practices each step of the way.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

To celebrate our love for nature, we are making it our mission to reduce our carbon footprint by partnering with Cloverly to offset our carbon emissions. With each order placed, we'll simply purchase renewable energy offsets based on your shipment’s weight and destination. Cloverly will then invest in carbon offset projects near you.  

GOTS and GRS Certified

GOTS is recognized as the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibers. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria, as well. 

100% Silk  

Some of our pieces are made of 100% silk produced in Suzhou, China, where silk originates. We are constantly challenging our manufacturing processes, making sure they align with environmentally responsible practices. 

Vegan Leather From Plants 

All of our leather jackets & pants are made from plants. 


What is carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting involves calculating the amount of carbon emissions generated by a particular activity (such as shipping a package) and then purchasing an instrument that pays for sequestering the same amount of carbon elsewhere in the environment.

Removing an equivalent amount of emissions elsewhere in the environment has the same net impact as if your emissions didn't occur. 

What instruments does  NJ use to offset carbon emissions?

The instruments that NJ uses fall into 2 main categories: carbon offsets and Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).

Are the carbon offsets verified?

Gold Standard, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the American Carbon Registry (ACR), and other internationally recognized organizations ensure the quality, accuracy, and integrity of the offsets.These entities ensure that the carbon savings would not have happened without the offset project and that the project would not have happened without the ability to sell carbon offsets. 


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