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NJ | Join Us for a Palm Springs Holiday | Cruise 2023

NJ | Join Us for a Palm Springs Holiday | Cruise 2023

Later, darlings. We’re out chasing sunsets and playing dress-up in the fanciful desert of 

Palm Springs. Delicate flowers, retro fabrics, and unimaginable memories surround us. Our senses tingle as the sweet summer air blows in our hair and the palm trees glisten in the distance. Taking full advantage of our feminine and carefree bodies, we’re falling in love with our free spirits all over again. Leave us to dream, we’ll be back soon. 

With Love from Palm Springs, 

Xx Nana Jacqueline


Complicated and delicate lace hugs the skin and highlights the beautiful features of the body. The dreamy crochet roses bloom in the corners of the skirt, adding romance and charisma to the flirty dress. Fall into the sweet temptation of this collection’s gorgeous gowns.



Get cozy and sexy in silk. Bright, vibrant colors are overcome with shiny pearl luster. The vintage puff sleeves feel like a bubble dream, while the little rose bow bring us back to a romantic reality. Feel feminine and free in the intimates.



Play dress up with us. Bright and soft materials are paired with diamond chains to glow in the light. It’s a girl’s greatest gift to wear NJ.



Giving rose a new meaning. This collection features rose diamonds at every turn. Sometimes sweet, sometimes sexy, but always charming. 



Vintage is in. Puff sleeves and pleated skirts are like a nostalgic fantasy. We’re always playing around with cut-outs and exposed skin to show off your feminine features. Lace up and enjoy your carefree innocence. 



Break free from the shackles of dullness and boredom. The season is hot, but so are you. Give skin a taste of the sunshine with cool silk and mini skirts. It’s time to dress beyond your imagination.



Tender pinks that resemble strawberries and milk. Designs that resemble innocence and elegance. Vibes that give off fanciful femininity. Dress for the moment. 



The moment when roses bloom in the summer sun. Welcome the sweet and refreshing wave of beauty and grace. Roses are the flower of the Palm Springs.



Summer is so sweet, we can taste it. Green mint and sweet peach are on the menu, along with delicate designs. Amplify your emotions and senses. 



Grab your accessories, it’s game time. We’re dressing in preppy polos and classic silhouettes, and walking the line between sporty and girly. Join us for some fun. 



Sometimes simple is best. Never go wrong in a classic tee and denim. Rock this classic American style with hot rose details. 



California's freedom and romance are within reach. Denim is the wave this summer, dress in it from head to toe. Make it a vacation to remember. 



Stretch and shine in cozy elastic. This retro style is back and badder than before. The sexy taste of relaxed drama is too good to be true. Be bright in the night. 




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