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Nana Jacqueline Global Dressing Guide

Nana Jacqueline Global Dressing Guide

Due to the impact of the outbreak in 2020, many people's travel plans are temporarily put on hold. But it doesn't matter, you can enjoy the global city scenery even without leaving home. Let NJ take you on an exciting world trip! 

First stop  ✈️ Paris, France

"If you are lucky enough to stay in Paris when you are young, then no matter where you go, Paris will always be with you because it is a flowing feast." —Hemingway

Paris is an Impressionist oil painting by Monet. There is no more artistic and romantic habitat in the world than Paris. Taste French coffee at CAFE CONSTANT next to the Eiffel Tower, feel the magnificence of the Renaissance at the Louvre, be fashionable in the Parisian Shop in the Miniature Galeries Lafayette, enjoy a pleasant afternoon tea on the Champs-Élysées, and experience the Woody Allen movie scene at the Moulin Rouge at midnight.

There is nothing more suitable for literary Paris than Nana Jacqueline's three-piece pink plaid suit. The designer chose a special combination of plaid and straps to be elegant and retro without losing the sexy feeling of being a woman. The fabric has the comfort of wool and the texture of linen, and the upper body is extremely comfortable.


STYLING TIPS: with white boots + pink baker boy hat + matching pink purse; delicate and elegant. 


Second Stop ✈️London, UK 

The English writer Samuel Johnson once said, "If you are tired of London, you are tired of life".

Come to London, walk along the River Thames, and the landmark of the British film "Tower Bridge, Big Ben" reflected in the eyes, the romantic giant ferris wheel "London Eye" is imaginative, the British Museum, one of the world's three major museums, the Shakespeare play of the Southern District Theatre, the CHANEL global headquarters moved from New York to London ... you must not miss this.

Full of history in London, low-key but stunning black-and-white woven jumpsuits must be the first choice for fog wear; the classic color combination of black and white, plus diamond buckle inlay, compared with the 19-year-old star product "Yellow and Black Hit "Colored overalls", more versatile everyday.

STYLING TIPS: black grid Mary Jane boots + white girl stockings + velvet bow headband + CHANEL mini bucket bag + a charming British girl.

Third Stop ✈️Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, this is a city that is best for wasting sweet time with lovers. 

Brussels is definitely a city that you will fall in love with at first glance. As the birthplace of "Belgium Waffles", the perfect morning must start with waffles sprinkled with powdered sugar. At the same time, Brussels is also the birthplace of the famous comic "The Adventures of Tintin" and "The Smurfs". In addition, there are also the best chocolates in the world and the Coco Chocolate Museum must not be missed. 

Matcha green houndstooth retro set, fresh green instantly lightens the dull European winter days, tube tops, skirts, coats plus houndstooth pattern can be described as a classic reproduction.              

STYLING TIPS: BV white slippers + CHANEL white belt bag + GUCCI white LOGO stockings, matcha green and white clever combination, fresh and modern. 

Fourth Stop  ✈️Zurich, Switzerland

Hidden in the heart of Europe, Zurich is backed by the Alps. It is the enlightenment of Dadaism in art history and one of the world's largest financial centers.

Stay at the well-known Dolder Grand Manor Hotel in Europe. Dazzling art collections and stunning mountains and lake views. On the top terrace garden, taste the world-renowned Swiss cheese, and enjoy the most authentic Swiss meals. Absolutely will provide you an unforgettable experience.               


The sweet and tender caramel color, a wonderful combination with the houndstooth suit, while retro and elegant, it also retains fashion and sensuality. Dressed in a caramel retro suit and surrounded by the beautiful nature of Zurich, have a picnic on the grass!

STYLING TIPS: Cute brown woolen hat + white patent leather boots + white bag. In Zurich, Northern Europe, it is best to wear warmth and fashion in winter.


Fifth Stop ✈️Tokyo, Japan 

In "Lost Tokyo" starring Scarlett Johansson: Ginza, a crowd of people, Kabukicho, the lively streets of Shibuya, flashing neon lights, and huge billboards ... all these make up people first impressions of Tokyo.

As Japan's largest metropolis, Tokyo's fashion charm is self-evident; Harajuku, the birthplace of trendy culture, Shibuya, where clothes are bought, and Roppongi, which is full of vintage shops, are well worth a visit.

In addition, you can also wear a kimono for worship at Sensoji Temple, and taste the most authentic and delicious Japanese food in the food paradise "Kamiyamacho neighborhood". Haruki Murakami once said, "In Tokyo, you can see the past of Japan and the future of it." Tokyo is indeed a city worthy of careful taste.                                                                                         

As a global trend center, Tokyo is colorful and vibrant. The bright yellow outline felt suit must be the first choice for this city. Our special wool material is comfortable and warm; the bright ginger and neckline Logo embroidery are highly recognizable.

STYLING TIPS: black strappy short boots + classic CHANEL diamond check bag, yellow and black color has been very stunning; bright yellow suit can be used inside riding shorts or black leather skirt, stylish and stylish.

Sixth Stop ✈️ Vienna, Austria

Known as "The Music Capital of the World", Vienna has a long history and profound and rich cultural heritage.

The ancient and legendary Hotel Sacher has hosted countless important musicians, artists, and heads of state for nearly 150 years. Now, there are also many suites named after Debussy, Mozart and others.

Enjoy the Austrian national dessert-Sacher Torte at the hotel. Chocolate and apricot jam are super delicious. It's hot in the afternoon, enjoy a world-class orchestral concert or a unique horsemanship show, visit Albertina Museum, which houses Picasso and Monet's authenticity, and deeply experience the humanities and arts of Vienna.


In Vienna, the capital of art, stunning dresses are definitely the look of choice. The velvet bow dress is made of luxurious velvet fabric, supplemented by a U-neck sexy design, and a white satin bow design on the back, which is full of European classical romance.

STYLING TIPS: silver tassel high heels + gold round handbag + silver bow earrings, simple black and white gray color reveals elegance and noble temperament everywhere.


We hope this global dressing guide assists you on your adventures around the world. The Nana Jacqueline team carefully curated our favorites spots worldwide, just for you. We believes traveling is a true gift, we must see the world and look good doing it. We encourage you to embrace new cultures and open your eyes to the beautiful world. More styling and travel guides to come...


The Nana Jacqueline Team 


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