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Your Guide to Valentine’s Day Dresses 2023 From Nana Jacqueline’s Newest Collection

Your Guide to Valentine’s Day Dresses 2023 From Nana Jacqueline’s Newest Collection

Your Guide to Valentine’s Day Dresses 2023

Nana Jacqueline’s Valentine’s Day collection has everything to do with love. Romantic dresses, sparkling jewelry, and sweet dream pillows are all designed with heart-shaped details to add a festive flair to the holiday. Find inspiration for the perfect Valentine’s Day dresses, and enjoy a night that’s all about love. 

About The ‘Be My Valentine’ Collection 

NJ girls love a romantic moment to feel fanciful and feminine. We dream of soft fabrics, tight hugs, and unconditional love. NJ’s Valentine’s Day collection features all of the best feelings wrapped in one. Adorn yourself in heart-shaped embellishments, sparkling diamonds, and warm knitted materials. Each pattern is delicately designed, and each piece is carefully curated to inspire your most gorgeous self. Fight for love, express love, and enjoy love with NJ. 

Explore Classic Valentine’s Day Dresses

Feeling your best on Valentine’s Day helps to set the mood for an unforgettable evening. When in doubt, you can always go with a trusty little black dress and put all your effort into the glitz and glam that accompanies it. Dress up an LBD with pretty pink statement earrings, your favorite heels, and a bright lip. You can never go wrong with this classic look. 

LBDs for Valentine’s Day: 

Gabriella Velvet Dress 
Angelina Silk Dress 
Vanessa Diamond Dress 
Pamela Dress 
Another safe and chic option for your Valentine’s Day outfit this year is a gorgeous red dress. Red is the official color of Valentine’s Day because it symbolizes love and passion. And what better day to showcase lust for your partner than on this special, romantic day? A red Valentine’s Day dress will allow you to feel confident and sexy– and we have the perfect piece to empower those feelings.
Red dresses for Valentine’s Day: 
Angelina Silk Dress 
Vanessa Diamond Dress
Pink is another beautiful color to rock this Valentine’s Day. Think of pink hearts, chocolate-covered strawberries, rosé, and roses. Feel effortlessly feminine and sensual when adorning yourself in a soft, pink Valentine’s Day dress that makes you feel alive. Pair it with neutral heels and a red lip to make a subtle, but sexy statement. 

Pink dresses for Valentine’s Day: 

Danielle Lace Dress 
Pamela Dress 

Romantic Valentine’s Day Dresses 

On a day of love, you want to feel like the best version of yourself. You want to feel beautiful, sexy, and romantic. The new Nana Jacqueline Be My Valentine collection is curated with looks that are effortlessly elegant and exquisite. Choose your own adventure. 
Lace is a material that has a reputation for being sexy. It’s a timeless look that is both easy on the eyes and the body. Accentuate your figure with a collection favorite. 
Sexy in silk, the material that feels like butter on your skin is always a good idea. Wrap yourself in a figure-forming piece that shows off your curves and leaves your partner wanting more. 

    Sexy Valentine’s Day Outfits 

    Not everyone likes to get dolled up in a dress on Valentine’s Day. This day is about wearing whatever empowers you to feel yourself. For those who would rather wear a two-piece set or a cardigan, there are several sexy options to suit your fancy. 
    If there’s anything Nana Jacqueline does best, it’s designing mindful luxury for the modern lady. Dresses are no longer the status quo for looking beautiful and feminine. Sets, cardigans, sweaters, and shorts appeal to women all over the world who are engaging in Valentine’s Day activities of all kinds. Dress for yourself or step out of your comfort zone and find the piece that speaks to you. 

    Sexy Valentine’s Day dresses and outfits: 

    Josie + Carmen Sweater Set (Pink)
    Josie + Carmen Sweater Set (White) 
    Francesca Knit Cardigan 
    Vanessa Diamond Top + Vanessa Silk Skirt 
    Alison Sweater Dress 
    Annica Blazer + Luciana Shorts 
    Luciana Heart Top + Annica Heart Shorts 
    Elle Diamond Blazer + Elle Heart Buckle Pants 

    Valentine’s Day Accessories 

    Jewelry is a simple and stunning way to elevate your Valentine’s Day outfit. Choose eye-catching pieces that excite you and your partner. From necklaces to earrings, and everything in between, you can take your outfit to the next level. 
    Valentine’s Day jewelry options: 
    Emilia Heart Earrings (Pink)
    Emilia Heart Earrings (White)
    Emilia Heart Necklace (White)
    Emilia Heart Necklace (Pink)
    Emilia Heart Ring (White)
    Emilia Heart Ring (Pink)

    Valentine’s Day Gifts 

    Looking for that special gift that will make your wife or girlfriend smile from ear to ear? The Be My Valentine collection is filled with unique and timely gift ideas for Valentine's Day to showcase your love and affection. 
    Daniella Heart Pillow (Black)
    Daniella Heart Pillow (Pink)
    Daniella Heart Pillow (Red)
    Francesca Heart Pillow (Red)
    Emilia Heart Earrings (Pink)
    Emilia Heart Earrings (White)
    Emilia Heart Necklace (White)
    Emilia Heart Necklace (Pink)
    Emilia Heart Ring (White)
    Emilia Heart Ring (Pink)

    Date Night Looks 

    There are many different date night ideas to choose from on Valentine’s Day. Do you want to go for a more formal, romantic dinner or a daytime beach picnic? Whichever vibe you decide, make sure you look good so that you feel good. 
    For dressy date night looks, consider dressing in a matching set that looks gorgeous and lux. The Vanessa Diamond Top has see-through mesh and a sweetheart bust to flatter your figure and show off your sexy curves. Pair it with the matching Silk Skirt to look rich and royal. The outfit is a stunning choice if you’re looking to make an unforgettable impression. 
    For dinner on the rooftop or terrace, dress up and show out in a flattering mini-dress. The Gabriella Velvet Dress would stand out from the crowd at whatever restaurant you choose. The Angelina Silk Dress and Vanessa Diamond Dress are also lovely options for an evening under the stars. 
    For brunch on the street, choose something a little more casual that can be worn from day to night. The Alison Sweater Dress is the perfect option to look graceful and playful in the sun. You could also go for more of a housewife vibe by rocking the Francesca Knit Cardigan
    For a cozy night in, comfort is key, but don’t miss out on an outfit opportunity. The Josie + Carmen Sweater Set was made for a luxurious date night indoors. Get cozy on the couch in style, and wear this outfit on repeat again and again.

    Date Night Spots in LA

    Are you located in beautiful, sunny Los Angeles? So are we! We’re helping our NJ Girls look and feel their best this Valentine’s Day, and we want to make sure their day is filled with all their favorite things. Go all out for the holiday of love and spend your special day at one of LA’s coolest locations. 
    Have a boozy brunch at Butcher’s Daughter on Melrose. Pretend like you’re spending the holiday abroad at a Euro cafe by sitting on the outdoor patio. Watch people stroll by in the Alison Sweater Dress or Francesca Knit Cardigan
    Grab brunch with the girls and go all out at The Ivy in Santa Monica. Dress in color to match the ambiance and drink bubbly with your besties at this beautiful, photo-worthy restaurant. The Daniella Lace Dress in Pink is the perfect accessory. 
    Enjoy the poolside vibes or night-time energy at the Sunset Tower Bar + Restaurant on Sunset. Embrace the nostalgic and historic atmosphere of this trendy spot and wear your finest ‘fit, like the Luciana Heart Top + Annica Heart Shorts in White.
    See LA’s skyline from the top at Perch in Downtown Los Angeles. Spend the holiday of love with a memorable view and unforgettable look. The Angelina Silk Dress in Red can help seal the deal.
    Get dolled up and enjoy a romantic date night at the Lavo Restaurant in West Hollywood. Feel confident and chic in an elegant outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks. The Vanessa Diamond Top + Skirt can do just that.
    Have a low-key night out at Capri Club in Eagle Rock. This hot, new, under-the-radar bar in LA has all the elements for a perfect Valentine’s Day. Dress up in the Vanessa Diamond Dress in Black or dress down in Annica Blazer + Luciana Shorts. Whatever suits your fancy. 
    Go big and bold at Il Cielo in Beverly Hills. Send your significant other a message by taking them to one of the dreamiest restaurants on the block. Pro Tip: Call beforehand and request the romantic add-on for a rose-petal, candle-lit dinner. Make it extra special in the Gabriella Velvet Dress.

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